Account and Transactions

Account and Transactions

Retrieve information about accounts, balances and details of transactions.

Integrate your applications with our core banking systems through APIs which will allow you to access authorised accounts and transactions. Retrieve account balances and details for a specific account or for all authorised accounts of the payment user. You may also get a list of all account transactions for a specific period of time. Embrace the revolution that broadens the banking sector and enriches the customer services and experiences.

Most Useful Features

Account Details

Get account details like currency, account type, account number, IBAN and other useful information

Transaction History

Retrieve the latest transaction history with real-time detailed information.

Account Aggregation

Consolidate information from different accounts to offer attractive and intuitive aggregation services.

Ready to begin?

Developer Console

All the API documents are just a click away. Find what you are looking for and start developing.

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Knowledge Base

Quick help! Find below the answers to the questions we get asked more often.

A TPP can access customer account data for 90 days. After this period has elapsed, customer consent should be requested again. Regarding information requested for transactions outside the period that the customer has given consent, a new consent request must be made to the customer.

Data can be retrieved up to a maximum period which cannot exceed the respective data retrieval period of the Bank’s internet banking channel.

Yes, you can start fresh at any point, by clicking “Clear Transactions” from the Sandbox Accounts Dashboard in the portal (you need to be logged in to view this).


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